
Brisbane entrepreneur hits the jackpot by offering online catch-up courses

Jul 13, 2023

With so much happening at the same time in the Queensland real estate market, it is natural that people feel overwhelmed and lost in the sea of the old, plus new legislation coming into effect. 

With this in mind, Brisbane entrepreneur, Darren Lee, decided to launch a catch-up course for real estate agents and enthusiasts, focused on the new legislation arising in Queensland. Over the past financial year only, the online tutor banked thousands of dollars, making the Q.L.D. (Queensland Law Decoded) one of the most successful initiatives of the decade.

In an interview with our team, the businessman revealed the secret to his success: ‘Every year, there’s something else coming up. By the time students complete their course, they need to start a new one.’

Read more about Modules offered by the Q.L.D. Learning Centre:


This first module focuses solely on the legislative amendments incorporated on the 1st of October 2021, regarding domestic violence.

Considered the most important update so far, this made changes to the procedure a manager must follow when dealing with a Domestic and Family Violence incident.

Length of course: 3 months


The most extensive changes came on the 1st of October, 2022. This legislation update encompassed several items, some of them a topic of discussion and controversy amid landlords. A brief breakdown below –

  • PETS: legislation updates on the process to grant or refuse pet applications by tenants. Landlords now have a limited number of accepted reasons why denying pet applications.
  • MANDATORY REPAIR ORDERS: regarding repair orders issued by the Queensland Civil and Administrative Tribunal (QCAT) and their repercussions.
  • EMERGENCY REPAIRS: changes on the spending cap for emergency repairs that can be immediately actioned.
  • ENTRY CONDITION REPORT: extension on the number of days provided to a tenant to return signed document.
  • REASONS FOR ENDING A TENANCY: slight amendment on the list of reasons why a tenancy can be ended, and their timeframes.

Length of course: 6 months


A ‘surprise’ implementation that came into effect just last fortnight (1st of July, 2023), this regards the number of allowed rental increases for a single property – going from every 6 to now, 12 months. Of course, there are myriad details to this amendment that make it much more complex than it initially seems – such as written-in increase clauses, and new leases.

What made this update so controversial was the speed it was discussed and approved, catching every landlord and manager by surprise and forcing, in some cases, signed lease renewals to be cancelled and re-issued to follow the new legislation.

Length of course: 3 months (also available as a 24-hour intensive course; if the Queensland Government can go through it in one day, so can students). 


Scheduled to be released along with the new legislation, this module should go live on the 1st of September 2023. This amendment will regard minimum housing standards, with a list of items properties now need to comply with. In summary, these will include –

  • Have functioning locks or latches on external doors and windows that can be reached without a ladder.
  • Be free from vermin, damp and mould.
  • Include curtains or window coverings which provide privacy in rooms that may require it.
  • Have adequate plumbing and drainage.

Length of course: TBA but likely to last until the next law update.

The Q.L.D. Learning Centre is currently the most sought-after course for real estate agents working in the management side of the industry, with a wait list that should last until the next amendment is confirmed.

Don’t want to subscribe to the course? Talk to our expert team about the approved and upcoming legislation changes for Queensland.



At Odyssey Property Concierge, our highly experienced team works with smaller portfolios per agent, allowing our Property Managers to dedicate more time to your investment.

At Odyssey Property Concierge, we are committed to our people, our clients and our tenants for the long term. We are committed to delivering outstanding experiences, heartfelt service and authentic connections to all who cross our paths.

We don’t believe in trivial connections or simple feats. Nor do we believe in delivering transactional moments or forgettable situations. We don’t believe in people or properties being another number or asset. Nor do we believe in our people treating this like another job. 

And we aren’t just another property management service. We are built on a desire to serve our community of property owners, tenants, trades people, in a market where for so long, the relationships were stagnant, torpid and immovable.

We don’t just want to manage properties, we are on a long and eventful journey, committed to making your everyday exceptional. 

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