
Landlord pleads for help after moving back into previous rental

May 18, 2023

2023 has been, if anything, a year of changes and adaptation, especially in the real estate market. With the increase in rates, changes in legislation and other factors turning landlords’ lives on their heads, many are opting to move (back) into their investment properties in an attempt to optimise income and/or reduce costs.

That is the case of bohemian Ms Moonbeam Starlight, who, after years as a landlord, has terminated her latest lease agreement with the intent of residing in the property once again. That is when her worst nightmare started.

An empath since birth, Moonbeam is able to perceive people’s mental and emotional energies – which, according to her, is a huge aid in first dates and job interviews. However, sometimes this paranormal ability expands onto the environments themselves.

According to Ms Starlight, her previously leased property, where she is due to move into, is laden with bad emotional residue and needs a deep energy cleansing that she believes should be included as part of the general Bond Cleaning requisite.

The bond cleaning

Bond Cleaning refers to a law requirement stating tenants should return the property in a clean and undamaged condition upon vacating. If by contracting a professional cleaning company or doing it themselves is up to their discretion; however, given the complexity and how thorough the process is, it is highly recommended to engage a professional.

Of course, this requirement is deeply connected to the Entry Condition Report initially provided by the managing agents, meaning if a surface, appliance or other is delivered to tenants with dirt build-up, scratches or scuff marks, for example, their responsibility to rectify these issues before vacating can be disputable.

The checklist

The Bond Cleaning encompasses the property as a whole, and when conducting an Exit Report, agents need to thoroughly inspect if the space has been attended to and to what degree.

Bond Cleaning is very different from regular cleaning, as the former includes items like skirting boards, sliding doors and windows’ tracks, the interior of appliances like dishwashers and ovens, light fixtures, hand marks on doors and walls and many more, which are normally not encompassed in routine cleaning. Carpets need to be steam cleaned and pest control included if the tenants had pets.

Much like pests, attested Moonbeam, bad energies and lingering spirits only dematerialise with the use of special treatments like sage-burning and incense, as a high rate of the poltergeist community is affected by asthma. Heavily utilising crystals around the house is also a great strategy to keep away negative energies (and any visitors with a minimal sense of home decor).

Consequences & guarantees

Bond Cleaning is such an important stage on the return of the property that it is also grounds for rental bond claiming by the managing agent.

Statistically, most of the tenants who choose to Bond Clean the property themselves upon vacating end up having to return and rectify issues or, when not able to do so, face the option to pay a Bond Cleaner out of pocket or through the managing agent using their withheld rental bond. Worth remembering that any bond deductions are stated on tenants’ records whenever tenancy background checks are conducted.

By hiring a professional Bond Cleaner, you are generally provided with a few-days warranty in case any cleaning issues arise.

After much consideration and speaking with her local Member of Parliament, Ms Moonbeam Starlight decided to seek like-minded landlord souls to support her very sensitive endeavour. A link to the online petition should be available on Change.org in the near future.


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